Angel Capital Association Webinar Series

Case Studies in Syndicated Deals - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Angel investing in the US has evolved significantly over the past decade to a point where there is a growing trend to syndication of deals between angel groups. VCs have done this for decades to great advantage, however, angel groups are just now coming to grips with the benefits and issues of syndicating deals.

This webinar is a presentation and discussion of real case studies of syndicated deals that were great successes and equally great failures. Four experienced angels and angel group leaders from across the US describe their experiences and point out the critical success points as well as the key issues to avoid in syndicating a deal.

Featured Speakers:

Peggy Wallace - Managing Director, Golden Seeds (New York)
Teresa Esser - Managing Director, Silicon Pastures (Wisconsin)
Barry Rosenbaum - Managing Director, ARCH Angels (Ohio)
David Verrill - Founder and Managing Director, Hub Investment Group (Massachusetts)

Archive viewing is now available to the general public.

VIEW THE WEBINAR (press play to start)

"Case Studies in Syndicated Deals - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" is the fourth in a four-part series on syndication. Please visit each of the Webinar pages to learn more and to view the archives of the other Syndication Webinars in the series: