Angel Capital Association Webinar Series

Conducting and Sharing Due Diligence for a Syndicated Deal

Syndicating deals to other angel groups is supposed to enable a more efficient process for an entrepreneur and other angel groups. Often the key aspect of this efficiency is the sharing of due diligence. However, there are significant differences in the depth of an individual or groups due diligence. In addition, there are issues with confidentiality if not liability in sharing detailed and privileged information about a potential investment opportunity. This webinar is a presentation and discussion of how sharing due diligence can support the syndication process, what the basics of every due diligence should include, and how to trust the source of information to facilitate the process.

Five experienced angels and angel group leaders from the US and Canada describe their experiences, provide sample due diligence templates, discuss the issues involved in sharing sensitive information, and provide information to attendees about making the syndication process efficient for all parties.


Troy Knauss - Managing Director, Piedmont Angel Network (North Carolina)
Andrea Alms - General Manager, Jefferson Corner (Virginia)
Ben Kirk - Staff, Puget Sound Venture Forum (Washington State)
Bruce MacCormack - Chairman, Bellingham Angel Group (Washington State)
Dan Quigg - Member, North Coast Angel Fund (Ohio)

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VIEW THE WEBINAR (press play to start)

Conducting and Sharing Due Diligence for Syndication is the third in a four-part series on syndication. Please visit each of the Webinar pages to learn more and to view the archives of the other Syndication Webinars in the series: